Hope Family Medical Centre


The Practice is research accredited by the Royal College of General Practitioners and undertakes clinical studies.

You may be asked to join in with research studies but taking part is voluntary and you do not have to take part.

Any research will be explained to you and you will have time to decide whether or not to take part.  If you change your mind you can stop at any time.

Research projects may not benefit you directly but will influence care for future patients and with your help can make a big difference.

COVID-19 research

During the Covid-19 Pandemic this practice is contributing anonymised data for national research and surveillance.

This data provides continuous monitoring of infections and diseases in the community and is used in ethically approved research. It is the main source of information for Public Health Wales (PHW) and helps with prediction and management of flu out-breaks and pandemics.

Providing this data does not affect patients care or privacy, however if you do not wish to allow your information to be used please speak to the practice.

The datae xtracted by Wellbeing Software (also known as Apollo Medical Solutions), is processed within the private and secure net-work of the Clinical Informatics and Health Outcomes Research Group at University of Surrey under a formal data sharing agreement. This data may be linked with other NHS data for analysis, including hospital episode statistics.

A copy of the WRS patient information leaflet can be found here.

For further information please visit https://www.rcgp.org.uk/rsc or contact:

Prof Simon de Lusignan (Data Controller) RSC Director: MedicalDirectorRSC@rcgp.org.uk

Practice Liaison Team: Practiceenquiries@phc.ox.ac.uk

Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Research and Surveillance Centre (RSC)

Date published: 22nd May, 2020
Date last updated: 1st October, 2020